What are the Seven Chakras within Our Bodies?

What are the Seven Chakras within Our Bodies?

The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates as wheel or disk. In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, chakra refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. Although there is still debate over the exact number of chakras, many believe that there are over 100 chakras in total within the body, according to tantric texts. However, there are the main seven, whichalign from the base of the spine up through to the crown of the head. Practice visualizing a chakra within the body by imagining a swirling wheel of energy where matter and consciousness meet. This invisible energy is called Pranaor Chi, which is the vital life force that keeps us vibrant, healthy, and thriving.

What is the Importance of the Seven Main Chakras?

The chakras correspond to massive nerve centers within our bodies. Each one contains bundles of nerves, major organs, and associate with our psychological, emotional, and spiritual states of being. Everything in our world is moving and carries a vibration, which makes it important that these seven main chakras stay opened, aligned, balanced, and in flow regularly. Depending on whether a chakra is opened or closed, aligned or misaligned, active or inactive, each spinning disc can significantly alter one’s energetic, physical, or spiritual state of being. Achieving a balance among the chakras and working to release blockages within these energetic points allows Pranaor Chito flow through easily, for a healthy, balanced, and enlightened existence. When the chakra system is in balance, we are balanced. Chakra imbalances can manifest in behavioral, emotional, spiritual, and physical illnesses and issues. Energy will be unable to flow if there are blockages within your chakras. For example, let’s visualize a kitchen sink drain. If you allow food, grease, etc. to go into the drain, overtime, the sink will become clogged. If a blockage occurs, our chakras and bodies will become closed, unaligned, and imbalanced. Thinking of our kitchen sink example—this is a simple fix because it is a physical repair. However, chakras are not a “physical fix” and can be a bit more of a challenge. Bringing awareness to your chakras can assist with decreasing this challenge. Your simple awareness of an imbalance in one chakra will help bring the all chakras back into balance due to our minds, bodies, souls, and spirits being all connected. As another example, let’s imagine a husband who has recently lost his wife. He develops acute bronchitis, which remains in his chest area. This then causes chest pains each time he coughs and breathes. The chest area is considered the heart chakra, which means these ailments are affecting his heart chakra and making it at risk for his heart chakra to become closed, unbalanced, and unaligned. If he becomes aware and realizes the connection between the loss of his wife and his recent development of bronchitis then healing will occur much faster as long as he honors the grieving process, treats the emotional and psychological impact, and treats the physical ailment.

The Seven Main Chakras

Each chakra has an association with a specific color, a certain group of emotions or feelings, behaviors, physical organs, and a specific location in the physical body. The chakras and their associations are as follows:


1stChakra is the Root Chakra, or Muladhara

  • Represents stability, security, and our basic needs.
  • Located at our tailbone or base of our spine and encompasses the first three vertebrae, the bladder, and the colon.
  • Associated colors are red and brown
  • If you are feeling afraid and/or unsafe, focus on this chakra during meditation to assist with healing.
  • If this chakra is overactive, you may be too stuck in your ways and/or are unwilling to accept change or transition.
  • Oversees your reproductive glands and organs, kidneys, and spine.

2ndChakra is the Sacral Chakra, or Svadhisthana

  • Represents our creativity, energy of sexuality, and passion.
  • Located above the pubic bone, but below the navel.
  • Associated color is orange.
  • If you are feeling emotionally rigid, apathetic, creatively stumped, or closed off to intimacy, focus on this chakra during mediation to assist with healing.
  • If you get emotionally attached easily and/or are hypersexual, this chakra may be overactive.
  • Manages the adrenals, immune system, gall bladder, metabolism, waste organs, and spleen.

3rdChakra is the Solar Plexus Chakra, Manipura

  • Represents our source of personal power, self-confidence, and force of will.
  • Located from the navel to the breastbone within the body.
  • Associate with the colors yellow or gold.
  • If you are feeling powerless or timid, focus on this chakra during meditation to aid in healing.
  • This chakra may be overactive if you tend to be overbearing or bordering on aggressive behavior. Typically, issues with your self-esteem will rise within this chakra.
  • Oversees the liver, upper spine, pancreas, stomach, and helps with metabolism.

4thChakra is the Heart Chakra or Anahata

  • Known as the connection between the physical state of being and spiritual state of being.
  • Located at the heart center and unites the lower three chakras with the upper three chakras.
  • Serves as a bridge connecting our body, mind, emotions, and spirit together.
  • Represents our source of love, connection, and compassion.
  • Associated with the colors green and pink.
  • If you are feeling closed off, cold, or lacking kindness towards yourself and others then focus your attention on this chakra to aid in healing.
  • May be overactive, if you tend to smother people with your affection.
  • Manages the thymus, heart, and lungs.

5thChakra is the Throat Chakra, or Vishuddha

  • Responsible for being our source of verbal expression and speaking our highest truth.
  • Located in the area of the throat, which includes the neck, thyroid, parathyroid glands, jaw, mouth, and tongue.
  • Associatedwith the color blue.
  • Focus your attention on this chakra during meditation if you feel withdrawn and aren’t able to speak your truth.
  • This chakra may be overactive if you tend to be a poor listener and/or speak too freely and openly, which may border on arrogant or offensive speech.
  • Oversees the thyroid, respiratory system, and organs of the mouth and throat.

6thChakra is the Third Eye Chakra, or Ajna

  • Represents our center of intuition, insight, and psychic vision.
  • Located between the eyebrows.
  • Everyone has a sense of intuition, but many of us struggle to listen or notice our intuitions’ warnings. To strengthen and enhance your intuition, focus on healing and opening your Third Eye Chakra.
  • Associated with the color of indigo
  • If you are feeling lost and out of touch with your instincts, focus your attention on your Third Eye Chakra during meditation.
  • It may be overactive if you tend to carry a sense of paranoia about what your gut tells you or you overanalyze everyday experiences.
  • Manages the pituitary glands, pineal glands, hormones, eyes, and brain.

7thChakra is the Crown Chakra, or Sahaswara

  • Represents enlightenment and provides our spiritual connection to our higher-selves and to the Divine as well as the energies of wisdom and attunement to the Universe.
  • Located at the top/crown of your head.
  • Associatedwith the color purple.
  • Focus on this chakra if you are feeling spiritually disconnected and/or make irrational decisions.
  • This chakra may be overactive if you tend to feel like your head is “in the clouds” all the time and may imply that you need more grounding within your lower chakras.
  • Oversees the pineal gland, brain stem, spinal cord, and biological cycles.

Learning to balance and align your chakras will bring empowerment within you, as it maintains the balance within you. The more you learn about these powerful energy centers in your body, the more quickly you will be able to bring harmony and equilibrium back into all aspects of your life.

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