What is Reiki?

What is Reiki?

A Brief Overview

Reiki is a Japanese technique that promotes healing as it reduces stress and increases relaxation. Reitranslates from Japanese as “Universal” or “Higher Power” and Ki(which is the sister to CHI in Chinese) means “Life Force Energy.” Reiki is administered by the laying of handsover the body as it is based on the idea that the unseen life force energy flows through us and transfers into the receiver. This life force energy is what causes us to be alive and is the same energy that allows us to open our eyes in the morning. It is said that if our life force energy is low that we are more likely to get sick and feel more stress, but if it is high then we are more capable of being happy and healthy.

Reiki goes back at least 2,500 years to Tibetan society when it was used for healing.  It is thought to be the same energy that Jesus used to heal the sick. It is part of the Human Energy System (HES), which manifests as we become aligned with the energy.  Unlike many different types of energy, Reiki does not depend on years of training to be effectively used.  When we are attuned directly to Reiki, it manifests through our hands—sometimes evidencing as warm palms, a sense of feeling in our hands and/or a movement from our hands to others or ourselves.

Reiki is not a religion, but is spiritual in nature. It has no creed, and there is nothing you must believe in order to learn and use Reiki. Matter of fact, Reiki is not dependent on belief at all and will work whether you or the receiver believe in it or not. Even though it is not a religion, it is still important to live and act in a way that promotes harmony and respect with others. Mikao Usui was the founder of the Reiki System of Natural Healing. He recommended that one practice Reiki’s simple ethical ideals to promote peace and harmony.

Several years after developing Reiki, Mikao Usui was meditating and after his meditation he received a message to add the Reiki Ideals to the practice of Reiki. Mikao Usui derived these Ideals from the five principles of his admirer, Meiji Emperor of Japan, which were developed to add spiritual balance to Usui Reiki. An integral part of the healing experience you receive from Reiki is the intentional realization of healing your Spirit by deciding to improve yourself, which is the purpose behind these Ideals. Having an active part in your healing process and accepting responsibility for your healing will help enhance the lasting effects of Reiki. Not only is it the use of the life force energy, but Reiki also includes the active commitment to improve oneself. The Reiki Ideals serve as guidelines for living a life full of peace, abundance, happiness, and gratitude.

“The secret art of inviting happiness

The miraculous medicine of all diseases

Just for today, do not anger

Do not worry and be filled with gratitude

Devote yourself to your work. Be kind to people.

Every morning and evening, join your hands in prayer.

Pray these words to your heart

and chant these words with your mouth

Usui Reiki Treatment for the improvement of body and mind.”

The founder, Mikao Usui

How does REIKI work?

Reiki energy is self-intelligent.  So it knows where to go, what to do, how to heal, and can never do any harm to another or to us.  This is another way of saying that the effectiveness of Reiki is not dependent on the practitioner or the receiver.  It is not about believing in it or even “knowing” its effectiveness. Reiki goes to work without the intellectual direction of the person bringing the energy.  This can be a great source of satisfaction because when the healing of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of self occurs, it is Reiki itself that deserves the credit!  When we are attuned to the energy, it comes through us—but it is not of us!

Where does the REIKI energy come from?

Reiki flows through our hands, healing us as it flows to others (e.g. people, pets, food, Earth, etc.) and originates in the Source of Life Energy.  As we become attuned to Reiki with our simple intention, it comes forth through our crown chakra of the energy practitioner and into the practitioner’s hands, where it is then transmitted to the receiver.

How does it feel?

Each person experiences the energy differently. The energy flows through the practitioner’s hands and into the recipient. Some feel Reiki as warmth in the hands, relaxing energy, easing of pain, tingling sensations in the body, twitching, etc.  Frequently, people fall asleep during a Reiki session.  There is no right or wrong way to feel the energy.  As a matter of fact, it is normal for someone to not feel a thing when either giving or receiving Reiki.

If you are looking for deeper understanding and healing of yourself, then Reiki may be the next step of your search for inner awareness, strength, peace, harmony, and happiness. Remember, Reiki treats the whole person, which includes the physical body, emotions, mind, and Spirit as it creates many beneficial effects such as creating more relaxation within yourself and developing feelings of peace, security, and wellbeing.

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